Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Electric Car Conversion - Where to Begin ... Books

Electric Car Conversion Books

OK, I have been hopping around from site to blog trying to get my head around this whole electric car conversion thing. Due to the homegrown, grassroots nature of the electric car movement there are some really great sites out there, with a lot of information.

Which, for a guy like me, just make the process that much more confusing. I need an overview, then some really great specifics.

Looks like I need a book or 2 ... or 10.

Of course, the one book I saw that I really wanted won't be published until October. Not a whole lot of help there, but considering how "green" I am I'm thinking almost any book will do.

Oddly, many of the (what seem to be, anyway) most popular books on the subject are over 15 years old. Part of me feels that they will be somewhat outdated due to the pace at which technology moves ... the other part of me knows that any information I can get my hands on at this point will helpful.

Below are a handful of the books I keep coming across in my search. Has anyone out there read them? Any reviews? Does anyone out there who has done a home conversion have anything that they can recommend? Please.

1 comment:

Web Thing said...

Update ... upon recommendations from other sites and blogs I have purchased Convert It! by Micheal Brown. This will be my first "hard copy" resource material... stay tuned.