Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Electric Cars ... EV Conversion - Everybody's Doing it!

So, you want to build an electric car? Me too. Still reading my first book on the subject, and heavily surfing the internet for more electric car information.

One thing that really gets my juices flowing is looking at all of the conversions that have been around since before I even considered doing one myself.

If you are like me, you are going to love looking at the electric vehicle conversions that others have completed, and be itching to start your own.

First, I like to look at the electric cars for sale, and I always start here:
Austin EV A.K.A The E.V. Tradin' Post

But even better, there are lots of EV enthusiast that have complete project diaries of thier conversions - compoleted as well as ongoing.

Its fascinating to see the choices these folks have made regarding their conversions.

Here are a few to whet your whistle...
1988 Jeep Cherokee1999 & Mazda b2000
1995 ford probe
1996 Honda Civic
Porshe 914
Dodge Daytona

(this is the "short-list" if you have favorites, please let me know about them by adding a comment - I can't wait to see thm!)

To me, there is nothing more satisfying than the hope and inspiration offered by these brave souls who have gone before me. Enjoy. (I have to go, I'm tearing up)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been looking, too... in fact, I have found (I am NOT assosicated in ANY way!) a company that makes super electric motors... ... motors that have HIGH torque at low speed, and extreem speed on the high end, both without a transmission! I've also been reading about the Lithium-PHOSPHATE batteries that seem to have 3 times the power of most rechargable power per pound/volume. I'd like to see a finished version with the Chorus motor and the lithium-phosphate battery with a brake/clutch combo, and power-generating brakes/shocks to enhance the battery life. Anybody heard of such?